We are in our 2nd year, studying Fashion Marketing and Branding at Nottingham Trent University and have been given the task to deliver an innovative communication strategy that will make Kickers 'cool' again!!
For us the brand Kickers reminds me us when we were at school..and alwaaays wanted a pair of Kickers instead of our not so cool Clarks shoes, however now being the Uni students that we are we definitely don't see Kickers as that cool brand that it was and i dont think we would ever consider it now!! So our job is to change this.
Below we've shown 2 examples of Kickers famous Hi Kick shoes...feel free to tell us what you think..!!?

Kickers is heavily associated with the 'cool' music scene and things like acid house music and Brit Pop! Kickers in the Noughties has been associated with the indie scene..with people like the artic monkeys wearing them and also the garage scene with So Solid crew wearing them and apparently it has also turned quite chavvy! Basically it has a cool past but maybe a not so cool present, i mean ..have you seen the shoes!
Sarah x